If you have an in-ground pool in your Taylors, SC backyard, there are various chemicals you need to maintain your pool water on a regular basis. Since a pool and hot tub are so different in size, chemicals needed for your swimming pool are going to be different than ones needed for your hot tub. For your pool, you should have:
Other important chemical levels for your pool are as follows:
There are three main chemicals needed to maintain your hot tub: a pH increaser, a pH decreaser, and chlorine granules. The pH of your hot tub should be neutral, so you can use an increaser or decreaser when needed. Chlorine granules will act as the sanitizer for the hot tub. You can use either chlorine or bromine, but best practice is to use sodium dichlor granules for a fast-acting and easy dissolving solution. Other chemicals that are optional for maintaining your hot tub in Taylors, SC are non-chlorine shock treatment and a defoaming agent. The proper chemical levels for a hot tub are below:
We have all necessary chemicals to maintain your pool or hot tub in Greenville. Give us a call or make an appointment with our service team and we can ensure you have everything you need!
3409 Wade Hampton Blvd. Taylors South Carolina 29687
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Store Hours
Monday-Friday: 9am-6pm
Saturday : By Appointment Only
Sunday: Closed
Copyright ©Aqua Blue Pools, Inc.
Phone: 864-268-7508
Email: info@aquabluepools.com
Store Hours
Monday-Friday: 9am-6pm
Saturday: By Appointment Only
Sunday: Closed
Copyright ©Aqua Blue Pools, Inc. (2025)