As a proud owner of an in-ground pool in Spartanburg, you understand the joy and relaxation it brings to your home. However, over time, the plaster coating that lines the interior of your pool can deteriorate. This can affect both its appearance and functionality. Let us help you understand if it's time to replaster your pool. Using our years of experience, we can provide you with valuable insights to make an informed decision and restore your backyard oasis to its former glory.
There are a handful of signs to watch out for that will tell you it’s time to replaster your pool. Visible signs are easy to spot when you inspect the interior of your pool regularly. If you notice cracks, chips, or rough spots on the plaster surface, it's a clear indication that the plaster is deteriorating and needs attention. Stains caused by mineral deposits, algae growth, or chemical imbalances can become stubborn and difficult to remove over time. If you find that your pool's surface has become discolored and no amount of cleaning can restore it, replastering might be the solution. Other indicators that your pool in Anderson needs replastering are rough texture, excessive water loss from cracks in the plaster, and frequent water chemical adjustments. Replastering your pool can help restore water stability and diminish any water seepage or leaks.
If you’ve inspected your pool and determined there’s a good chance it needs replastering, the next step you’ll want to take is calling us at
Aqua Blue Pools. We can send a service tech out to your home in Greenville. It’s important to have an experienced pool expert assess the condition of your pool's plaster and recommend the best course of action. From there, it’s about scheduling the replastering work. The best time to replaster your pool depends on various factors, including the age of the current plaster, the extent of damage, and your personal preferences. Typically, it's
recommended to replaster your pool every 7 to 15 years, but the actual timeline will vary based on usage, maintenance, and the local Greenville climate. This is something our expert pool techs can help you figure out!
Your in-ground pool is a cherished oasis of relaxation and fun. Replastering is a crucial step in maintaining its beauty and functionality over the years. By keeping an eye out for signs of deterioration and consulting our professional pool techs, you can determine the ideal time to replaster. Make sure that your pool in Simpsonville remains a source of joy for years to come. Invest in replastering and rediscover the pleasure of swimming in a refreshed and rejuvenated pool.
3409 Wade Hampton Blvd. Taylors South Carolina 29687
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Store Hours
Monday-Friday: 9am-6pm
Saturday : By Appointment Only
Sunday: Closed
Copyright ©Aqua Blue Pools, Inc.
Phone: 864-268-7508
Store Hours
Monday-Friday: 9am-6pm
Saturday: By Appointment Only
Sunday: Closed
Copyright ©Aqua Blue Pools, Inc. (2025)